Locky is a cloud-based access control system that provides a complete suite of locks, gateways, and a control app. Locky and Sirvoy work together to automate your accommodation security for every new booking. 

Once set up in your Sirvoy account, Locky creates key codes, delivers them to guests, safely invalidates the codes when the stay is over, and much more. Keep your accommodation safe and eliminate the manual work of traditional locks and keys.

 Locky is available in the entire European Union region.

Main Locky Features

  • Pin code keys over email, SMS, app, or Bluetooth.
  • Online cloud-based locks, programmed and managed remotely.
  • Multiple keys for main entrances.
  • Group Access feature to assign main entrances, guest rooms, and other areas for each key.
  • Easy installation from QR codes.
  • Year-long battery life thanks to economically-powered Bluetooth chips.

How Does Locky Work with Sirvoy?

Locky connects to your Sirvoy account using the Webhook feature. New bookings and edits in Sirvoy trigger the generation of keys in Locky. The Locky application also controls preferences, key validity and type, access rules, and more.

To set up a Locky webhook:

  1. In Locky, go to “Settings.”
  2. Scroll to “Integrations” and activate Sirvoy.
  3. Copy the callback URL provided.
  4. In Sirvoy, go to Settings -> Sirvoy account -> Booking Event Webhook and click “Edit.”
  5. Enter the callback URL provided in step 3 to the “Booking event webhook” field and click “Save.”

After these five steps, bookings and their key codes will appear in Locky under the “Property Management” menu.

How Do I Start Using Locky?

To learn more and to get a quote, contact Locky at post@locky.tech.